Easy Plant-Based Face Mask for Tired Skin [VIDEO]

Raise your hand if you’re stuck at home because of the quarantine 🙋‍♀️. All this time at home has inspired me to look up some easy face masks that I can pop on while I work from home!

This recipe is so easy and it leaves your skin feeling dewy and refreshed! The sugar and lemon work together to exfoliate dead skin cells, while the olive oil hydrates and restores your skin to a healthy, fresher, happier place!

Step 1: Juice of ½ a lemon
Step 2:  Add 2 tablespoons of sugar
Step 3: 1 tablespoon of olive oil
Step 4: Mix together
Step 5: Cleanse skin
Step 6: Apply
Step 7: Leave for 10-15 minutes
Step 8: Cleanse and enjoy beautiful fresh skin!

I absolutely loved making my own face mask and can’t wait to do it again! Stay tuned for more face masks recipes!